Windows users have long enjoyed the fact that when you start Windows, you could have Windows automatically start any programs simply by putting the program's icon into the 'StartUp' group. Wouldn't it be great to have a similar 'ShutDown' group that right before Windows exited, it would run these 'WrapUp' type programs automatically for you? Imagine the uses for such a program... You could automatically: - Backup your PC's hard disk(s). - Log out of your PC network (LAN). - Synchronize your laptop PC's hard disk with your desktop PC's hard disk or visa versa. - Access your favorite online stock-quote system and retrieve your latest stock prices. - Send an email message. - Run your communications program and have it autodial your significant other, so you could pick up the telephone and tell him/her that you're on your way home. - Or any DOS program or batch file that can be run from within Windows. - Eject the CD-ROM disk from your drive. - Or anything else for that matter... WrapUp is compatible with Windows 95, NT, and 3.1. To install under Windows 95: Copy the following files to any single area of your PC's disk: WrapUp.exe WrapUp.hlp WrapUp32.dll A typical destination might be: C:\TNT\WRAPUP Start Windows 95. Open your 'StartUp' folder from the Start-Programs menu. If you don't have a 'StartUp' folder, create one... Then create a new icon for WrapUp so that it will automatically execute whenever Windows 95 is executed. Don't run it yet... Decide on the name for your new folder that WrapUp will access when Windows starts to exit. We recommend the name 'ShutDown'. If you want any name other than 'ShutDown', you must use the /g command line option. See /g (alternative Group name) command line option for more information. Create your new "ShutDown" folder. The folder must directly reside off of the Start-Programs folder/menu (for example, the same menu that the Accessories folder resides in). Do not create a folder directly on your Desktop. This won't work! You can, however, create a short-cut on your Desktop that points to the Programs folder/menu. Move or copy your favorite programs' icons into your new 'Shutdown' folder. To install under Windows NT or Windows 3.1: Copy the following files to any single area of your PC's disk: WrapUp.exe WrapUp.hlp WrapUp32.dll A typical destination might be: C:\TNT\WRAPUP Start Windows in either 'Standard' or 'Enhanced' mode. WrapUp can not run in 'Real' mode. Open your 'StartUp' group. Create a new icon for WrapUp so that it will automatically execute whenever Windows is executed. Don't run it yet... Decide on the name for your new group that WrapUp will access when Windows starts to exit. We recommend the name 'ShutDown'. If you want any name other than 'ShutDown', you must use the /g command line option. See /g (alternative Group name) command line option for more information. Create your new 'Shutdown' group. Move or copy your favorite programs' icons into your new shutdown group. To operate under Windows 95: Restart Windows 95. Observe that WrapUp is running. Shut down Windows 95 by selecting "Start-Shut Down-Shut Down the computer?". WrapUp will then wake up, and ask you via a dialog box, if you want to close all of your currently running desktop programs, and then it will execute all of the programs in your shutdown group. Saying YES will do the above. Saying NO, will simply exit Windows 95. Saying CANCEL, will abort the exiting of Windows 95. You may override the default operation of WrapUp so that it won't present you with the above dialog box by appending a /N to the command line. In this mode, upon detecting Windows 95 starting to shutdown, WrapUp will automatically close your desktop programs and then execute all of your shutdown group programs. When you are finally ready to exit Windows 95, shut down Windows. This time, WrapUp will not intervene (since it already executed your shutdown programs) and you will truly exit Windows 95. To operate under Windows NT or Windows 3.1: Restart Windows. Observe that WrapUp is running. Exit Windows. You will get the familiar Windows "Are you sure you want to close" dialog box. Say YES. WrapUp will then wake up, and ask you via a dialog box, if you want to close all of your currently running desktop programs, and then it will execute all of the programs in your shutdown group. Saying YES will do the above. Saying NO, will simply exit Windows. Saying CANCEL, will abort the exiting of Windows. You may override the default operation of WrapUp so that it won't present you with the above dialog box by appending a /N to the command line. In this mode, upon detecting Windows starting to exit, WrapUp will automatically close your desktop programs and then execute all of your shutdown group programs. When you are finally ready to exit Windows, exit Windows. This time, WrapUp will not intervene (since it already executed your shutdown programs) and you will truly exit Windows. To uninstall: Delete WrapUp.exe, WrapUp.hlp and WrapUp.dll from your disk. Notes: Upon detecting Windows starting to exit, WrapUp closes all of your desktop programs so that after it then executes the programs in your shutdown group, it will be easy to determine which programs you need to deal with. They're the only programs left executing on your desktop. LAN administrators can easily manage WrapUp by simply insuring that the proper shutdown group (GRP) file is present for proper operation. If the user is already running Windows in a LAN environment, then the proper group files are already present and no extra effort will be required. Please remember that one copy of WrapUp must be purchased for each and every user of WrapUp. You can control the execution order of both your StartUp and ShutDown group's programs by modifying their GRP files. TNT's Grp2Ini program can make it easy for you to do this. WrapUp memorizes the contents of your shutdown group when you first run WrapUp. If you modify your shutdown group's contents while WrapUp is running, then WrapUp will not detect these changes. In this case, you'll need to terminate WrapUp and then re-execute it so that it will re-examine the new contents of your shutdown group. This WrapUp behavior is due to limitations in Windows. Non Windows Program Manager users (such as Norton DeskTop, PCTools MultiDesk DeskTop, and Windows NT) must modify WrapUp's command line with the /Pxxxx option so that WrapUp can correctly access the contents of the shutdown group. In order to do this, you must issue a WrapUp File-Modules pull-down menu command to see a list of desktop programs and their module names. Identify the name of your program manger program and its module. This module must be entered on WrapUp's command line as a /P option. For example, Windows 3.1's Program Manager's module name is 'PROGMAN'. Windows 95's Explorer's (Program Manager's) module name is 'Explorer'. Below is a list of known alternative program managers and their associated /P option. Windows NT: /PWOWEXEC PCTools MultiDesk: /PWNDTLIB HP DashBoard /PDASH Command line syntax: WrapUp [/N] [/Gxxx] [/Pxxx] Note: At least one space must appear in between each switch. WrapUp is NOT freeware. Only unregistered evaluation versions of WrapUp may be freely distributed as shareware. Registered (paid for) versions of WrapUp may NOT be shared. If you are unsure as to if your copy of WrapUp is registered or not, examine the Help-About screen for your name. If it says "UNREGISTERED..." then your are executing an evaluation version of WrapUp. Evaluation versions of WrapUp will only execute one of your programs that appear in your startup group. The remaining programs will not be executed, however for each remaining program, WrapUp will present a message to you stating that your program would have run in a purchased version of WrapUp. If you like this program, send $39 dollars plus $5 shipping and handling for a single user license. Multi-user and site licenses are available. Upon receipt of payment, a registered version will be shipped to you. Registered users will be notified of future versions. Tessler's Nifty Tools (TNT) Release 6.0 430 Canyon Woods Place Suite A San Ramon, Ca. 94583 CompuServe: 71044,542